Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski
Author:Jon Yablonski [Jon Yablonski]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Published: 2020-04-24T16:00:00+00:00
Key Consideration: Oversimplification
As we’ve seen, simplifying an interface or process helps to reduce the cognitive load for users and increases the likelihood that they’ll complete their task and achieve their goal. It’s also important to consider when simplification can negatively affect user experience. More specifically, when we simplify to the point of abstraction and it’s no longer clear what actions are available, what are the next steps, or where to find specific information.
A common example of this is the use of iconography as a way to communicate critical information such as actions or page links (Figure 3-6). Icons come with a lot of advantages: they provide visual interest, they save space, they provide excellent targets for taps or clicks, and they can provide quick recognition if they hold universal meaning. The challenge is universal icons are rare and icons in general often mean different things to different people. While relying on icons to convey information can help to simplify an interface, it can also increase the difficulty in performing tasks or finding information. This is especially true if the icons aren’t immediately recognizable to users, which more often than not will consist of a wide spectrum of knowledge and experience.
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